
Football “Reform”: Buckle Your Chin Strap – It’s Going to be a Wild Ride

Mosey Football Helmut Testing Without question, the single biggest development in sports over the past several years has been the increased revelations regarding concussions in the sport of football. Every day it seems there is another story, piece of research or new narrative piercing the façade of the heretofore seemingly invincible armor of King Football.

Football “Reform”: Buckle Your Chin Strap – It’s Going to be a Wild Ride Read More »

UAB Football Debate: A Local Decision with National Implications

  As was widely reported, after a campus-wide study, the University of Alabama – Birmingham recently decided to discontinue its football program. The driving force behind their move was the NCAA’s recent approval of a measure to give more autonomy to the five powerhouse conferences (Big Ten, SEC, Pac-12, ACC and Big 12), allowing them

UAB Football Debate: A Local Decision with National Implications Read More »

Death Blow to Amateurism or Unprecedented Opportunity for Higher Education?

Death Blow to Amateurism or Unprecedented Opportunity for Higher Education?   In an effort to quell the clamor for athletes to receive their “fair share” of the millions they generate, the NCAA recently approved a measure to give more autonomy to the five powerhouse conferences (Big Ten, SEC, Pac-12, ACC and Big 12), allowing them

Death Blow to Amateurism or Unprecedented Opportunity for Higher Education? Read More »

Fewer Shrinks, Regimens and Pills, More Singin’, Strummin’ and Jammin’

As the baby-boomer generation scoots beyond “middle age” towards the status of “elderly”, we are hearing and reading more about health related issues, both personal and public. Everyone, it seems is concerned with improving health by doing the types of things that can lead to a longer, more productive and vibrant life. There are many

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A New Word for the English Language: “Bandwork”

A New Word for the English  Language Each year, Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary identifies “new” words to be added to their dictionary. This year, for example, “hashtag”, ‘selfie”, “fracking” and “crowdfunding”, among others, were added. Such words are recognized as being “official” as a result of them becoming commonly used and recognized. Generally, they begin

A New Word for the English Language: “Bandwork” Read More »

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