Disparaging “Wokeism” and the Fear of Being Discovered

In considering America’s ongoing “culture wars,” I remain amazed at the absurdity of those who attempt to “brand” people, companies, or organizations as being “woke” and, therefore, somehow not “real” Americans. According to Merriam-Webster’s definition, “woke” is to be “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social

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Hearing the “Other Voice” in Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn

A major point of contention in America’s ongoing “culture wars” is being fought over book bans. Parents, activists, school board officials, and lawmakers are challenging books at an increasing rate. People of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community are bearing the brunt of these bans as books about race, gender, or sexuality are disproportionately

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Stretching Organizational Mission to Increase Community Impact

Sustained business growth and success requires strategic risk-taking. Companies look to expand their markets, products, and customer base to remain relevant and profitable. They are forward and progressive in their outlook and strategy. That’s what corporate “Research and Development” is about a strategy and effort to remain on the cutting edge of knowledge relating to

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There is Nothing “Non-Profit” About Non-Profit Organizations

In 2006 I founded and continue to run Music For Everyone, a “non-profit” organization with amission to cultivate the power of music as an educational and community-building tool inLancaster County, PA. Given that I had no previous experience in this world, my learning curveover the past 18 years has been long and steep. The most

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Music is More Than Music

Music is More Than Music. As such, its power and potential as an educational tool is unparalleled. Music is more than notesplayed and songs sung. Music is math. Music is reading. Music is language. Music is logic. Theresearch and data are clear in that children involved in music programs score higher onstandardized tests. It’s also

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Music: The Community Impact Tool that Keeps on Giving

As the founder and executive director of a music related Community Benefit Organization (CBO), I constantly think of how to more effectively leverage the power and potential of music to impact lives and exert positive community impact. After almost eighteen years of leading MFE, I have come to appreciate that when it comes to potential

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