
Sergio Garcia, the Judgment of Others and Self-Actualization Golf

The most fundamental rationale for participation in sports is that it teaches a wide array of character traits such as teamwork, persistence and personal responsibility. That it is the process of participation that results in benefits for the participant. But watching this year’s Masters and the narrative surrounding it brought home once again just how twisted the culture around sports has become when it is the end result (winning) that has become far more important than the process of education and learning life lessons through participation. 

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Revisiting “Sports: The All-American Addiction”

In 2002, I published a book titled “Sports: The All-American Addition”. The basic premise was that organized sport in America had evolved to a point where it’s overall impact on our schools, universities and society has become more negative than positive. My analysis focused on five areas: sports’ impact on the values at the center

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To Blog or Not To Blog

Getting Started: My first “Blog” To “blog” or not to “blog”, that is the question. Of course, that begs the question, “What exactly is blogging?” There are others who are better equipped to answer that, but from what I can tell, it’s just writing about various topics on a semi-regular basis. By that definition, I’ve

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